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The Overseas Professional Training Program for University Students of China, integrating American top companies, well famed universities, federal institutes and international non-professional organizations, provides students with the best learning opportunity and the most unique approach for experiencing culture  through visiting, conferencing, field practicing and training.

The students will have an opportunity to enter top 500 companies like Fedex, Apple, Coco Cola, CNN, Delta Airlines, and Cisco and work with CEOs, managers, and employees to exchange ideas through internship, meetings, lessons, discussions, team-building, and games.

The students will not only thoroughly understand their operations, probe the success of their superior organization structure, study their success experiences, experience their frontline entrepreneur culture; but also further understand themselves through personalized EQ sessions to better face professional, family and life long challenges ahead.     

The graduates of Passages mostly came from Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Shanghai Foreign University, Shandong University, and Harbin Technology University, to name a few.

1.Option One:  Comprehensive Program: Visitation to companies + systematic training + homestay + vacation.


1.Professional training——How to obtain the ideal job: include writing resume, interview simulation, and business culture provided by Ascend International CEO.

2.Professional training——How to maintain the ideal job: include team work, communication skills, professional culture and internship provided by AutoZone Park and Duncan-Williams Inc.

3. Professional training——The operations of a top firm include business management, operation, time management, personnel management, and public relations provided by FedEx, Coca Cola, and Delta Airlines.

4. Professional training——Social responsibilities include corporate image, community service, and community welfare provided by NBA Memphis Grizzlies, YMCA, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

5. Professional training——How to start a business include business guidelines, business planning, case analysis, stock distribution, and fund raising provided by CEOs of Chick-fil-a, and Ascend International.


1.Homestay:  During the stay in America, all students live in the host family, and experience traditional American family culture: boating, horse riding, shooting, golfing, and bowling with the family.

2.Washington DC: It is the capital of America.

3.Well famed universities: Duke University, University of North Carolina, North Carolina State University,etc.


1. Personalized EQ analysis to help you understand yourself.

2. EQ training as to become optimistic and successful in business.

3. To create a bright future with your high EQ.


1. Myrtle Beach :  It is located in South Carolina.  It is a suitable beach resort for group of people.  Amusement parks, water sports facilities and golf courses are within easy reach.  Haunted house, bungee jumping, ferris wheel , maze , ocean, sunrise , room werewolf kill , bring up the entire team’s emotion continuously.

2. Outlets and shopping mall: Outlets, Walmart and all kinds of shopping mall are the must visited places, you will never feel enough buying.

(二)Option two: In-depth Professional Internship The one on one training camp: in-depth professional internship + business training + home stay + vacation.


1.To select a field, such as human resources, marketing, engineering or chemical research. With 2-4 weeks’ in-depth internship in a well famed company.

2.Under the direction of a CEO as mentor to engage in learning hand in hand.

Business culture

Training program same as the Comprehensive Program.


same as The Comprehensive Program.


same as the Comprehensive Program.

Important notes:  American Business Visa or Tourist Visa is 10 years effective period and multiple entry; yet is limited to 180 days stay for each entry. Hence, students may freely choose the time frame in the US. After the completion of the course, students may also arrange their own traveling plans.